Market Survey

Hello and thank you so much for linking to our website to complete our survey. Please note the information you provide will help make decisions about the timing of the launch, the educational levels and the subjects we should offer first. Since we want our service to be very customer focused your input is exceptionally important and we thank you for your time.

Five winners will be chosen at random to receive 4 free one hour tutoring sessions when we are able to launch our service. Thank you once again and have a great day.

Please complete the survey below:


Please enter your name.

Please enter your email address:

What would be your preference to pay for tutoring services on our website?

If PayPal is the only payment option possible, would this stop you from using our tutoring service?

What educational and class level(s) do you require?

Primary School

What Primary level subject(s) do you want offered first when we launch (e.g. Maths class 4, English Class 3 or type not applicable)?

Secondary School

What Secondary level subject(s) do you want offered first when we launch (e.g. Maths 1st form, Physics 5th form or type not applicable)?

Tertiary Level (Please type the Tertiary institution(s) or not applicable)

What Tertiary level subject(s) do you want to see offered first when we launch (e.g. Calculus UWI 1st year or type not applicable)?

How would you use the service?

Which type of tutoring is best suited to your needs?

How often would you use our tutoring service?

What day(s) and time(s) best suit your schedule to receive tutoring?

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