
Pricing for tutoring is actually quite simple, you do not have additional monthly membership fees to worry about, you pay for hours or classes as you need them and only for as many as you want to/can commit to financially.
Whether you choose individual sessions or ongoing classes, paying per session hour gives you the ability to manage your money to suit your needs and your booked sessions will be ready when the time comes.
The option to book for an entire term will also be available.
Group Tutoring
Currency in Barbados dollars
Sessions with 3 to 5 students for a shared learning experience
Live video, audio and text chat
Find tutors, check schedules and book sessions online
Book sessions in advance and join your class when the time comes
Stream live videos and display documents directly to the board
Interactive classroom tools including a specialised Maths tool
Students can interact with all tools to enhance their learning experience
Display subject information from an answer engine directly to the board
The ability to book sessions as you need to suit your plan and budget
Book Sessions
Private Tutoring
Currency in Barbados dollars
Personalised one on one tutoring sessions
Live video, audio and text chat
Find tutors, check schedules and book sessions online
Book sessions in advance and join your class when the time comes
Stream live videos and display documents directly to the board
Interactive classroom tools including a specialised Maths tool
Students can interact with all tools to enhance their learning experience
Display subject information from an answer engine directly to the board
The ability to book sessions as you need to suit your plan and budget
Book Sessions
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